Saturday, July 7, 2007

Venice Baby

Today was HELLLLLA boring.
Woke up.. in my chonies.
Yeaaa I know right.. :]]
Washed the car and took it for a
"dry-off" spin around Walnut with
Sab and Kath. HAha
Contemplated whether or not to take a shower.
Decided to take one washed my fro, and then
straightened it.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Then I watched the Lords of Dogtown for the 2368353
time with Nicole.
Fun stuff.


Michael said...

lol im starting an internship in venice next summer.

Michael said...

btw, welcome to blogspot. it pwns stupid xanga. you are going to have a fun time here lol.