Monday, January 19, 2009


We hate to see her cry just as much as she probably hates to let her feelings show but she has no choice. She has no control over her emotions; she always screams about how overwhelming they are and when she has to run to the shower everytime, we have learned to understand. Neither of us could even try to understand what she has went through. Both of us have gone through our share of heartbrakes; some bigger than others but still.. none compare to this continuous one. She steps in the shower with all of her makeup running down her face, partly clothed becuase since he's been gone she just doesnt have the energy. She stands in the shower completely soaked. It makes her feel comfortable. The water disguises her tears and the way the drops hit muffle her sounds. And just knowing that she can feel the drops is okay enough for her because she is always reassured that she is alive.

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